bplane3.bmp An RAF fighter flies into a tailspin defending Great Britain. -end- gcan3.bmp German cannoneers prepare to fire on retreating French forces. -end- bgun1.bmp Antiquated weapons did not deter the Commonwealth soldier from fighting for Britain. -end- rgunbut1.bmp A Russian soldier, with names of his killed carved on his rifle butt, faces war ravaged Berlin. -end- jboats1.bmp In fine form, the Japanese naval force steams to Malaya. -end- mid13.bmp A Japanese carrier, supporting ground troops, evades American bombs near Midway. -end- hitler13.bmp To Hitler, research into advanced rocketry would help stave off any Allied advances. -end- gprop1.bmp Instead of promoting peace, the Treaty of Versailles helped to push Germany ever nearer militarism. -end- hitpris1.bmp Hitler spent nine months in prison after the Munich Putsch. -end- hitpris2.bmp Mein Kampf was Hitler's brainchild while in prison. -end- rd441.bmp Robert Oppenheimer and Gen. Leslie R. Groves inspect the devastation wrought by Fat Man. -end- dr450.bmp The first atomic explosion in the desert of New Mexico. -end- rd502p69.bmp Einstein and J. Robert Oppenheimer discuss the principles of atomic fission. -end- rd407p69.bmp The mushroom cloud expands over the remnants of Nagasaki. -end- rd508p69.bmp Survivors of the Hiroshima blast seek aid. -end- rd510p69.bmp With the destruction at Hiroshima (above), and later of Nagasaki, Hirohito was forced to surrender. -end- am561.bmp Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin together at the Yalta conference. -end- am570.bmp The funeral procession for President Roosevelt moves along Washington Avenue. -end- am621.bmp Emperor Hirohito surrenders to Gen. MacArthur on the battleship Missouri. -end- rd499p69.bmp Japanese infantrymen, on bicycles, move on Rangoon. -end- rd494p69.bmp Marines flush out Okinawan villagers from the multiple caves on the island. -end- rd495p69.bmp Armed with rumors of American atrocities, elderly Okinawans meet the US 1st Marine Division. -end- rd497p69.bmp The Burma Road is reopened! -end- rd480p69.bmp Marines of the US 4th Division land on Iwo Jima. -end- rd487p69.bmp Marines at Iwo Jima raise Old Glory on Mount Suribachi. -end- rd475p69.bmp With his aides and Philippine President Sergio Osmena, Gen. MacArthur returns. -end- rd471p69.bmp At Leyte beach, US LST's unload men and supplies. -end- rd476p69.bmp An American patrol searches through the jungle of Leyte. -end- rd491p69.bmp Off of Truk, a US carrier aircrew works to extinguish the flames of a Kamikaze attack. -end- rb405p69.bmp The Remagen bridge is crossed by the US 1st Army. -end- rd81p69.bmp The Germans easily defeated the French Army, once the strongest in Europe. -end- rd78p69b.bmp The Cathedral of Tournai stands among the rubble of Brussels after Hitler's bombs had been dropped. -end- rd124p69.bmp The business district of London was engulfed in flames after Hitler's bombers targeted the city. -end- rd134p69.bmp If not for the safety of the London Underground, many more Londoners would have lost their lives. -end- rd125p69.bmp Hearing the wails of the air raid sirens, children hide in a trench to avoid the bombing. -end- rt132p69.bmp In preparation for further German bombings, Londoners dig trenches for shelter. -end- rd141p69.bmp The battleship Bismarck sends volley after volley against the HMS Hood. -end- rd154p69.bmp The guns at Corregidor were unable to stop the Japanese onrush. -end- rd159p69.bmp MacArthur would return to the Philippines. -end- rd163p69.bmp During the Bataan Death March, some 75,000 men were forced to march 140 miles without food or water. -end- rd167p69.bmp On to the O'Donnell Prison Camp, American and Fillipino prisoners carried their own wounded. -end- rd180p69.bmp The US carrier Lexington was lost during the Battle of the Coral Sea. -end- rd197p69.bmp The Japanese carrier Akagi desperately attempts to evade American bombs. She was sunk, though. -end- rd210p69.bmp Japanese bombs strike the US carrier Yorktown despite the American victory at Midway. -end- rb155p69.bmp Gen. Wainwright, under the watchful Japanese eyes, reluctantly orders his men to surrender. -end- rd213p69.bmp Marines land at Lunga Point on the north coast of Guadalcanal. -end- rd232p69.bmp At Buna, New Guinea, an American soldier, dead, rolls against the sand and surf. -end- rd364p69.bmp Pinned down behind steel hedgehog obstacles, American soldiers wait to make a break for the shore. -end- rd368p69.bmp A German gunner watches the Normandy coast for signs of the Allies. -end- rd369p69.bmp American troops quickly take German captives on the cliffs of Normandy. -end- rd356p69.bmp Awaiting their D-Day airdrop, 101st Airborne Division paratroopers have painted their faces black. -end- rd351p69.bmp With Omaha Beach in their eyes, the US 1st Division wade ashore meeting heavy German opposition. -end- rd360p69.bmp British glider troops build cover near their landed glider. -end- rd341p69.bmp President Roosevelt said, 'One down and two to go', as American tanks entered Rome. -end- rd387p69.bmp The paratroopers of the US 7th Army drop onto the French Riviera. -end- rd396p69.bmp During the Ardennes breach, SS Col. Joachim Peiper checks a road sign. -end- rb369p69.bmp Discovered under snow at Malmedy, these American soldiers were executed by SS Col. Peiper. -end- rb397p69.bmp Men of the US 1st Army ready to counterattack the German flank at the Bulge. -end- rt397p69.bmp German soldiers advance on retreating Allied forces during the Battle of the Bulge. -end- rd427p69.bmp Storming the Reichstag, Soviet soldiers would place the Sickle and Hammer atop the building. -end- rb423p69.bmp An aide attempts to comfort Der Fuhrer during the last days of the Reich. -end- rd433p69.bmp Gen. Patton, smoking, accepts a Soviet major's toast at the meeting at Torgau on the Elbe. -end- rd270p69.bmp Near Ascension Island, a U-boat tries to evade depth charges and bombs dropped by American planes. -end- rd46p69.bmp Tomorrow the World! -end- rd51p69.bmp Hitler leaves the crowds at a Nuremberg rally calling for more promises of the Ubermenschen. -end- rd54p69t.bmp Hitler greets President von Hindenburg, now a mere figurehead, in 1934. -end- rd47p69b.bmp Hitler and Himmler watch the procession of Nazi supporters as they pass by. -end- rd450p69.bmp An American Marine helps the victims of war. -end- rd45p69t.bmp At Singapore, Allied prisoners receive news of the fall of Singapore. -end- rd45p69b.bmp Victims of the Japanese attack on Singapore, a mother cries over the body of her child. -end- rd18p69.bmp The remnants of Hickam Field disappear under a Japanese bomber whose bombs have been loosed. -end- rd21p69b.bmp A Japanese carrier crew salute Banzai! to their departing airplanes. -end- rd21p69l.bmp Receiving final orders for Pearl Harbor, Japanese pilots huddle in preparation for their divine mission. -end- rd21p69r.bmp Capt. Mitsuo Fuchida, commander of first Pearl Harbor wave -end- rd27p69t.bmp The Naval Air Station at Ford Island drowned in flames after the Japanese attack. -end- rd23p69b.bmp The battleship Nevada, although afire, managed to move out of Pearl Harbor away from the destruction. -end- rd22p69.bmp The Oklahoma and West Virginia are targets of Japanese torpedoes leaving white wakes. -end- rd31p69.bmp After Pearl Harbor, Adm. Yamamoto stated: 'I am afraid we have awakened a sleeping giant'. -end- rd29p69.bmp At Kaneohe, Oahu, some men of the 2,403 Americans killed lay buried, victims of the sneak-attack. -end- rd24p69.bmp Despite heroic attempts to save her, the battleship California sunk to the bottom of the harbor. -end- rd23p69t.bmp Only 29 of 360 attacking Japanese were shot down. American air power at Pearl Harbor was destroyed. -end- rd69p69b.bmp Nazi brutality towards Jews extended even to children. -end- rd55p69b.bmp At the Munich beer hall, Hitler and Goering celebrate the anniversary of the Nazi putsch of 1923. -end- rd429p69.bmp Barely clinging to life, inmates at Auschwitz are freed by Allied troops. -end- rd431p69.bmp Uncountable and difficult to estimate, some claim 10 million people died in Nazi death camps. -end- rd325p69.bmp At Regensburg, US planes targeted aircraft factories. -end- rd378p69.bmp After the bomb exploded, the Wolf's Lair was wrecked, but Hitler was still alive. -end- rd379p69.bmp Count Berthold von Stauffenberg and his brother were convicted and executed as conspirators. -end- ein2.bmp The understanding of relationships between mass and energy were revolutionized by Einstein. -end- sab2.bmp Saboro Kurusa was the Japanese special envoy to the US prior to the war. -end- sab3.bmp Kurusa played an integral role during the diplomatic negotiations before the bombing of Pearl Harbor. -end- jship1.bmp The Japanese rivaled the American Pacific Fleet in size and strength. -end- pearl3.bmp Japanese flyers prepare to take off for Pearl Harbor. -end- france10.bmp Victory in France -end- bship1.bmp The British, prior to the war, had the largest navy in the world. -end- hitler9.bmp Hitler and Goering greet the crowd outside of the Reich building. -end- sistern1.bmp German warplanes sit awaiting orders to attack Cisterna. -end- sistern2.bmp With the American breach, the German 10th and 14th Armies were divided. -end- anzio11.bmp An Allied battleship showers the Anzio beachhead with artillery shells. -end- anzio7.bmp German forces move to attack the Allied beachhead. -end- anzio8.bmp British troops hold their ground against the Germans. -end- anzio9.bmp Allied forces aim at approaching German troops. -end- anzio10.bmp An American soldier fires a bazooka at a German-held position. -end- anzio6.bmp The Germans used heavy railway-carried guns to shell Allied ships and beachheads in Italy. -end- anzio12.bmp American medics race wounded to waiting hospital ships. -end- len4.bmp German soldiers fire heavy cannons at Soviet positions. -end- gtank5.bmp A German Afrika Korps Panzer smashes its way through the desert around El Agheila. -end- gcan5.bmp The British were battered by German artillery at Halfaya Pass. -end- cplane1.bmp Czechoslovakian biplanes would have been no match for a modern German Luftwaffe. -end- dul1.bmp French Prime Minister Edouard Daladier prepares for the coming war with Germany. -end- si_pan1.bmp US carrier Enterprise near Saipan. -end- sipan10.bmp Japanese troops defend the beaches of Saipan. -end- sipan12.bmp A Japanese soldier fires a machine gun. -end- sipan13.bmp American troops move inland from their beachhead. -end- sipan14.bmp US Marines on the beach with heavy equipment. -end- sipan15.bmp A Marine forces Japanese from their cave on Saipan. -end- sipan16.bmp Marine uses a flamethrower to flush out the Japanese. -end- guinea5.bmp Aircraft from the US carrier Yorktown strike a Japanese vessel. -end- guinea6.bmp Port Moresby is bombed by Japanese aircraft. -end- guinea7.bmp Allied planes bombard the Port Moresby invasion fleet. -end- guinea8.bmp A Japanese ship takes a hit from a US aircraft. -end- guinea9.bmp A P-38 flies over the Coral Sea, searching for the Japanese invasion fleet. -end- zero_1.bmp Japanese Zeros from the carrier Shokaku approach Port Moresby. -end- morsby1.bmp A Zero is shot out of the sky above the Coral Sea. -end- morsby2.bmp Japanese aircraft evade enemy fire on their way to Port Moresby. -end- guinea1.bmp Fighting on the island of Tulagi. -end- guinea2.bmp An Australian soldier defends Tulagi. -end- guinea3.bmp Fighting between the Australians and the Japanese on Tulagi was fierce. -end- guinea4.bmp On Tulagi, a Japanese soldier dies in battle. -end- hess4.bmp Rudolf Hess prepares for his journey. -end- hess5.bmp The British Home Guard retrieves Hess's aircraft. -end- hess6.bmp At the Nuremberg Trials, Rudolf Hess listens as a translator announces a verdict of guilty. -end- kill1.bmp Hitler arrives at his headquarters in East Prussia on the day of the "Bomb Plot." -end- dugal1.bmp Charles de Gaulle. -end- nor1.bmp The German invasion fleet heads for Oslo. -end- den3.bmp The Luftwaffe appeared in the skies over Denmark on April 9th. -end- czech3.bmp Breaking his promises to Chamberlain at Munich, Hitler sent troops into the rest of Czechoslovakia. -end- ost3.bmp Hitler's troops cross the Austrian border on March 12th. -end- gplane10.bmp The existence of the Luftwaffe is proudly revealed. -end- gplane11.bmp The German Air Force flies in formation. -end- gplane12.bmp The Luftwaffe over Germany. -end- hind1.bmp Von Hindenburg's funeral -end- hind2.bmp Bonfire at the funeral of von Hindenburg. -end- hind3.bmp The parade honoring von Hindenburg. -end- zig1.bmp An Allied tank approaches the Mereth Line. -end- zig2.bmp German Panzers defend the Mareth Line. -end- zig3.bmp Montgomery's cannons attack the German defenses. -end- dunk1.bmp The Germans shell Dunkirk as the Allied forces evacuate. -end- dunk2.bmp British ships evacuated thousands of troops from Dunkirk for an entire week. -end- dunk3.bmp German forces march into Dunkirk. -end- chart1.bmp The British and US heads of state greet each other at the beginning of the Atlantic Conference. -end- chart2.bmp President Roosevelt awaits Churchill's arrival off the coast of Newfoundland. -end- chart3.bmp Churchill boards the US cruiser Agusta. -end- chamb4.bmp British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain addresses the British public prior to his trip to Munich. -end- chamb3.bmp Prime Minister Chamberlain sets off for Munich to try to maintain peace. -end- tiger2.bmp The Flying Tigers in formation over China. -end- jew1.bmp Under Hitler's orders, a star of David marked every shop owned and patronized by Jews. -end- 509th2.bmp The Enola Gay is checked before its historic mission over Hiroshima. -end- 509th3.bmp The instrument panel of the flying superfortress Enola Gay. -end- abomb1.bmp A giant mushroom cloud forms over Hiroshima as the first uranium bomb explodes. -end- glid1.bmp Chindit Brigades land behind Japanese lines. -end- glid2.bmp Allied gliders deliver troops behind enemy lines. -end- iwo12.bmp Tanks storm the beach at Iwo Jima. -end- toky5.bmp A B-29 returns to its air base in the Marianas after bombing a factory in Tokyo. -end- tara11.bmp US Marines land on the beach of Tarawa. -end- tara12.bmp US Marines fire on a determined Japanese defense. -end- mid12.bmp A Japanese aircraft is shot down. -end- midway9.bmp Japanese aircraft attack the Yorktown. -end- midway2.bmp Japanese aircraft attack the US garrison on Midway, but are repelled. -end- midway3.bmp A Japanese plane falls from the sky over Midway, one of over 300 Japanese aircraft lost in the battle. -end- jplane7.bmp Japanese aircraft on a carrier prepare for a second attack on the island garrison. -end- phill1.bmp Japanese planes over the Pacific, heading for Midway Island. -end- phill2.bmp American aircraft are destroyed by Japanese at the airfield on Midway. -end- phill3.bmp Wreckage of the American forces defending the Philippines lies burning near an airfield. -end- manil1.bmp As Japanese enter Manila, buildings burn. -end- manil2.bmp Fighting in Manila left much of the city in flames. -end- here1.bmp US cannon defends Corregidor from the Japanese. -end- here2.bmp Japanese forces landed on the beaches of Corregidor and secured the island within two days. -end- usship1.bmp US Task Forces 16 and 17 rendezvous northeast of Midway. -end- oran1.bmp US paratroops aloft over Oran. -end- casab1.bmp An Allied ship defends the landing at Casablanca. -end- casab2.bmp Allied troops fire on the defenders of Casablanca. -end- casab3.bmp An Allied ship takes a direct hit in the Mediterranean. -end- bship3.bmp British ships carrying troops for Operation Torch enter the Mediterranean protected by Allied escorts. -end- bship4.bmp A British battleship draws near the North African coast. -end- algier1.bmp Troops of the Eastern Task Force land at Algiers. -end- algier2.bmp Allied troops arrive in the city of Algiers the day after the landing. -end- chgsha1.bmp Chiang Kai-shek's army defends Changsha. -end- chgsha2.bmp Fighting in the Hunan province of China was fierce. -end- chgsha3.bmp Machine gun fire on the outskirts of Changsha. -end- still1.bmp General Joseph Stilwell becomes Chiang Kai-shek's Chief of Staff and military adviser. -end- burmar1.bmp The Burma Road, an important supply route for Chiang Kai-Shek's forces in China. -end- burmar2.bmp When Japan and China failed to reach a peace agreement, Britain reopened the Burma Road. -end- paltz.bmp Paulus surrenders to Vassili Chuikov's 62nd Army at Stalingrad. -end- surrendering at stalingrad chang1.bmp Chiang Kai-shek, Supreme Allied Commander, China. -end- peking1.bmp The Japanese Kwantung Army fired the opening shots of the Sino-Japanese war in Peking. -end- ladog1.bmp Soviet anti-aircraft guns defend the Lake Ladoga supply route from the German Luftwaffe. -end- ladog2.bmp Supplies arrive in Leningrad over the frozen Lake Lagoda supply route. -end- ladog3.bmp The Luftwaffe attempts to destroy supplies before they can reach Leningrad. -end- len1.bmp Germans held Leningrad under siege for eight months. -end- len2.bmp In the north, the Finns hold their ground, but refuse to cross the Russian border. -end- len3.bmp Intensive shelling of Leningrad begins on September 4th, the preliminary of a long and bitter siege. -end- German Blietzkrieg was especially effective up to the siege of Leningrad. -end- rcan2.bmp Soviet cannons near Moscow fire on the advancing Germans. -end- rgun2.bmp Trapped Soviet troops near Bryansk defend their pocket. -end- rcan3.bmp An out-dated Russian cannon defends the Bryansk pocket. -end- seva1.bmp Russian troops move a cannon into position on a railway near Sevastapol. -end- seva2.bmp A Russian gunner defends the city of Sevastapol. -end- seva3.bmp A Russian soldier fires on the Germans threatening Kerch. -end- dg1.bmp Forced to fight without the Blitz, German soldiers found that they were no match for the Russians. -end- rgun3.bmp Russian civilians learn weaponry from an officer. -end- cplan1.bmp A Czechoslovkian aircraft awaits orders. -end- banish1.bmp President Hacha of Czechoslovakia makes plans to mobilize his army. -end- gcan7.bmp German forces seized Norway after two months of fighting. -end- ggun2.bmp A German anti-aircraft gun targets Allied aircraft. -end- antwerp2.bmp British troops enter Antwerp. -end- halland1.bmp Allied tanks approach Tilburg. -end- holland2.bmp British troops east of the Maas. -end- pearl2a.bmp Pearl Harbor on the morning of Sunday, December 7th. -end- antwerp1.bmp The British 11th Armored Division captures Antwerp. -end- stim1.bmp US Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson talks, via newsreel, to the American people. -end- homma1.bmp Gen. Masaharu Homma commanded the Japanese forces attacking the Philippines. -end- writ1.bmp Gen. Jonathan Wainwright assumed command of the Philippines after MacArthur left. -end- hiro1.bmp Emperor Hirohito, for much of his reign during the war, was controlled by elements of the military. -end- fre1.bmp Adm. Francois Darlan was High Commisioner of Algiers. -end- shu1.bmp Col. Claire Chennault, adviser to Chiang Kai-shek, reviews his American volunteers. -end- shu2.bmp Col. Claire Chennault led the American Volunteer Group in China. -end- tiger1.bmp American pilots fought in the skies over China before America entered the war. -end- tiger2.bmp American P-40 fighters fly into battle with Japanese Zeroes over the fate of China. -end- prop2.bmp Soviet propagandists welcome American Lend-lease aid. -end- darre1.bmp Gen. Barre commanded the French North African troops. -end- reinhar1.bmp Gen. Georg-Hans Reinhardt commanded Army Group Center. -end- antwerp2.bmp German soldiers surrender at Antwerp. -end- antwerp1.bmp The people of Antwerp welcome the British X Corps. -end- hitler4.bmp Hitler consults with his generals at Rastenburg before the bomb was placed. -end- stlow1.bmp American forces faced heavy resistance at St. Lo. -end- dday1.bmp The Allied invasion fleet sails for the coast of Normandy. -end- crime1.bmp The Allies made clear that those participating in atrocities would be tried as war criminals. -end- mus1.bmp Clara Petacci's and Benito Mussolini's bodies lay mutilated, out for display, on the street. -end- arth.bmp Sir Arthur Harris took command of the RAF Bomber Command. -end- escort1.bmp Shipping convoys needed protection from German warships and were guarded by small escorts. -end- guboat3.bmp U-boats, like all submarines, could emergency dive if under attack from the surface. -end- liber.bmp Far more dangerous but effective, the USAAF carried out daylight raids over Germany. -end- guboat2.bmp Complex cypher machines were needed for U-boat communications with their commanders. -end- dernits.bmp Admiral Doenitz controlled the German Navy. -end- guboat1.bmp German U-boats terrorized Allied shipping in the Atlantic. -end- kill2.bmp Major Staufenburg was the officer elected to carry the bomb into Hitler's HQ. -end- berlin9.bmp Minister of Propaganda Goebbels killed his wife and children, then commited suicide. -end- gplane13.bmp During the war's start, the Ruhr was one of the centers of Luftwaffe air production. -end- goering2.bmp Hermann Goering was a bi-plane pilot during World War I. -end- goering3.bmp From a pilot to Reichmarshal, Goering served Germany in both world wars. -end- atruck1.bmp The Allied supply lines were severely taxed during the battle for Normandy. -end- pat1.bmp General George S. Patton (right) synchronizes his watch to that of General Eisenhower. -end- rocket1.bmp The Germans used their V-2 rockets to deliver bombs on Great Britain. -end- tay1.bmp General Maxwell Taylor, US 101st Airborne Division -end- gavin1.bmp General James Gavin, US 82nd Airborne Division -end- ajap1.bmp In America, people of Japanese descent were forced to move into internment camps. -end- ajap2.bmp Japanese Americans, denied their civil rights, are moved into internment camps. -end- aplane2.bmp Refueled and rearmed, an Allied warplane stands ready to meet the Japanese in the sky. -end- aplane3.bmp A line of US planes awaits departure orders from their New Guinean ground controllers. -end- aplane4.bmp US air power seemed the only weapon in the arsenal that could stop the Japanese. -end- jship2.bmp A Japanese transport headed for New Guinea to bolster the Japanese garrisons there. -end- jship3.bmp Allied air and sea power proved too much for these Japanese ships on mission to reinforce New Guinea. -end- b25_1.bmp American B25's carried out many air raids on targets in the Pacific theater. -end- p40_1.bmp US P-40's provided air support for Allied troops throughout the Southeast Asian theater. -end- p38_1.bmp With an improved range of 450 miles, the P-38 allowed greater protection for Allied bombers. -end- p38_2.bmp Like all P-38's, this plane, seeing action in the South Pacific was designed and built by the Northrop. -end- aprop1.bmp Nothing did as much to encourage American participation in the war as the bombing of Pearl Harbor. -end- gnavy1.bmp The German Navy caused havoc with Allied shipping across the Atlantic and Baltic. -end- gnavy2.bmp A German cruiser practices artillery drills at sea. -end- gnavy3.bmp A view of the German Navy from the turrets of one of its battleships. -end- sur1.bmp With their leaders fleeing North Africa, German soldiers surrender to the Allies. -end- sur2.bmp For nearly a year, German Panzers ruled the desert, but the Allies now accept their surrender. -end- tunis5.bmp French artillery attempts to hold the approaching German forces. -end- tunis6.bmp A combined French-British force found itself outfought by the Panzer army enroute to Bizerte. -end- tunis7.bmp The French-Anglo troops hastily retreated, leaving many pieces of heavy equipment in the desert. -end- goub1.bmp Waiting for orders, members of the British 6th Armored Division stand ready. -end- goub2.bmp Through the smoke and dust, the British were able to repulse the German strike at Goubellat. -end- goub3.bmp At Goubellat, British tanks held the day. -end- ike2.bmp General Marshall advised FDR to select General Eisenhower as Supreme Allied Commander. -end- alex1.bmp General Alexander was the Burcorp commander. -end- cunin2.bmp Admiral Cunningham led the British Navy in the first skirmish with the Italians. -end- tedder1.bmp Air Chief Marshal Tedder was Deputy Supreme Commander for Overlord. -end- kass1.bmp After bitter fighting, Field Marshal Rommel siezed the route to the Kasserine Pass. -end- gtiger1.bmp Hitler delayed Citadel until tanks like the Tiger could be fielded. -end- bgun2.bmp British anti-tank gunners tried valiantly to stop the Desert Fox's advance. -end- dool1.bmp Col. James Doolittle received the Congressional Medal of Honor for his Tokyo air raids. -end- bomber4.bmp American and British pilots personalized their aircraft with nose art. -end- hana1.bmp Tanks from the 1st Armored Division help push through the Mareth Line. -end- hana2.bmp From General Auchinleck to Wavell, Field Marshal Rommel frequently outfoxed the British generals. -end- hana3.bmp British forces needed to keep supply lines intact in order to support the breach of the Mareth Line. -end- fdr2.bmp President Roosevelt signs the Burke-Wadsworth Bill into law. -end- fdr3.bmp FDR inspects naval preparedness. Almost a year later, he would declare a national state of emergency. -end- hitww1a.bmp Hitler fought alongside fellow Germans during World War I. -end- hitww1b.bmp Adolph Hitler ended the Great War as a corporal in the German Army. -end- gotme1.bmp General Omar Bradley is received at the White House prior to America's entry into the war. -end- fdr5.bmp In the face of war, FDR prepares America. -end- trat1.bmp Under Hitler's command, a puppet French government was formed. -end- hitler19.bmp As Hitler hears good news from the front, he uncontrollably starts into a jig. -end- ger6.bmp Reichmarshal Goering, commander of the Luftwaffe, was often chided for his weight in Allied press. -end- eplane1.bmp To protect Malta, Spitfire aircraft were convoyed there. -end- church2.bmp Prime Minister Churchill watches as the RAF demonstrates their flying prowess. -end- shang7.bmp After taking many of the Chinese cities, the Japanese would send ashore troops to harass the citizenry. -end- shang8.bmp Upon entering a Chinese port, Japanese naval vessels would stifle commerce and free navigation. -end- hankow1.bmp The Japanese advance on Hankow during Autumn, 1938. -end- hankow2.bmp A Japanese tank rolls through the Hankow countryside during the original Japanese invasion. -end- hankow3.bmp Waiting for the tanks to move forward, Japanese soldiers ready to enter Hankow. -end- chung1.bmp Hundreds travel with the government to Chungking. -end- chung2.bmp Peasants and working class people flee to Chungking from the Japanese onslaught. -end- chang2.bmp Chiang Kai-shek led Chinese Nationals against both the Maoist Communists and the Japanese. -end- gcan9.bmp Later to be Allied targets, arms factories produced millions of arms for Germany during the war. -end- gcan10.bmp Now strong enough to deny the world's laws, Germany turned to increasing her military strength. -end- gtank8.bmp Fresh from the factory, Panzers rush, by transport train, to their awaiting troops. -end- gtank9.bmp German military leaders review their new found muscle in violation of the Treaty of Versailles. -end- gplane9.bmp As production centers for planes and military equipment, Berlin was a major bombing target. -end- hitler17.bmp Hitler had been assured by Reichmarshal Goering that Britain would fall under the Luftwaffe's pressure. -end- czepres1.bmp President Hacha, at first, acted firmly with Hitler, then acquiesced in the face of war. -end- czech2.bmp German Panzers roll on to annex German-occupied Czechoslovakia. -end- chamb3.bmp Britons never forgave Chamberlain for appeasing Hitler. -end- sudat2.bmp German troops were welcomed into Sudetenland and again at Memel. -end- sudat3.bmp Hitler ignored the Allies and marched into Memel victorious. -end- fdr1.bmp President Roosevelt addresses depression-wracked America via radio. -end- stalin1.bmp Joseph Stalin addresses his comrades on the events of the war. -end- mala1.bmp Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov visits Minister von Ribbentrop, for the Non-aggression Pact. -end- gplane1.bmp Streaking across the sky, Germany's Luftwaffe controlled the skies over the Soviet Union. -end- rtank1.bmp During the deadly Russian winter, Soviet tanks counterattack against German forces. -end- rgr1.bmp Russian grenades were used heavily by soldiers and civilians during the German invasion of the USSR. -end- rgun1.bmp Thousands of Russian made machine guns were used to stop the German assault on the Soviet Union. -end- rtank2.bmp Soviet tank forces move to engage German Panzers. -end- gtank2.bmp German Panzer divisions swept across the USSR with little opposition. -end- gtank1.bmp Panzers cross through the freshly muddied battlefield. -end- gcan2.bmp German artillery managed to stave off Russian counterattacks for much of the war. -end- gtank3.bmp Almost at will, German troops were able to control the outskirts of Leningrad. -end- rtank3.bmp Victorious Soviet troops celebrate their liberation of Kiev from German hands. -end- hitler1.bmp Waiting with his deputies, Adolph Hitler receives the Chancellorship from President von Hindenburg. -end- vanhin1.bmp Unable to control Hitler, President von Hindenburg succumbed to the master manipulator. -end- evabrn.bmp Looking out over the valley under the Wolfeschanze, Wolf's Lair, Ava Braun, Hitler's mistress, suns herself. -end- hinla1.bmp SS Commander Heinrich Himmler (left) inherited control of the Final Solution from Reinhard Heydrich. -end- gtank4.bmp Easily flanking the Maginot Line, German forces subdued France. -end- gplane2.bmp In violation of the Treaty of Versailles, Hitler created a German airforce called the Luftwaffe. -end- mar736a.bmp German troops, greeted by citizens of the Rhineland, occupied the territory without Allied opposition. -end- chamb1.bmp Agreeing to Hitler's demands, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain believed in appeasement. -end- lancast.bmp The British Lancaster bomber was the direct descendant of the flawed Manchester bomber. -end- lubec1.bmp Historic buildings were burned in the bombing of Luebeck. -end- colo.bmp Cologne's rubble after the 1,000 bomber attack. -end- roos.bmp President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill maintained close contact. -end- ham1.bmp RAF bombing created a firestorm which engulfed Hamburg and killed approximately 40,000 people. -end- ham2.bmp Minister Albert Speer warned Hitler that Hamburg-like bombing could cause a German backlash. -end- berlin1.bmp Targeted by the RAF, Berlin erupted into a massive firestorm killing approximately 4,500 people. -end- guring1.bmp Reichmarshal Goering addresses his fellow Nazi Party officials. -end- rom1.bmp Known as the Desert Fox, Erwin Rommel was nearly unstoppable in North Africa. -end- aust1.bmp Fighting under the Union Jack, Australian soldiers helped defend the Commonwealth. -end- aucan1.bmp Australian troops fire at Rommel's approaching Afrika Korps. -end- cunin1.bmp General Cunningham reviews plans before rushing against the Italians. -end- rom2.bmp Erwin Rommel, one of the true military geniuses of the war, (center) pushed the British out of Libya. -end- cauld1.bmp The UK 50th Division was no match for the Desert Fox, Rommel, and his Afrika Korps. -end- alamein1.bmp British troops counterattack against Rommel's Axis forces. -end- mersa1.bmp Tanks of the Afrika Korps move against the British 2nd Armored Division. -end- mersa2.bmp British forces prepare defenses for the coming German attack. -end- mersa3.bmp British forces were overwhelmed by the strengths of the Afrika Korps Panzers. -end- may2642a.bmp Gazala Line British gunners fire against Rommel's trick attack from the north. -end- garza1.bmp Rommel's tanks roll into Gafsa. -end- casa1.bmp German forces at Casablanca retreat in the face of Operation Torch landings. -end- anzio1.bmp Allied warships bombard German and Italian positions on the coast of Salerno. -end- salarno1.bmp Allied troops mount an amphibious landing at Salerno, Operation Avalanche. -end- salarno2.bmp The Luftwaffe struck heavily at landing Allied forces at Salerno. -end- naples1.bmp US 5th Army forces secure Naples. -end- cesler1.bmp Field Marshal Kesselring commanded the Axis forces in Italy during Operation Avalanche. -end- anzio2.bmp Operation Shingle required transport ships to ferry troops to Anzio. Some were met with artillery. -end- shingle1.bmp British forces load transport ships in preparation for Operation Shingle. -end- anzio3.bmp Allied forces construct a beachhead against German and Italian resistance at Anzio. -end- anzio5.bmp Quickly establishing a beachhead, Allied forces offload a cannon from a transport. -end- lucas1.bmp Major General John P. Lucas commander of the US VI Corps. -end- cass1.bmp Tanks roll through the hills of Monte Cassino. -end- cass2.bmp Allied tanks advance on Cassino. -end- abbey1.bmp The Monastery at Monte Cassino was a German stronghold. -end- cass3.bmp The Monte Cassino Monastery bombed by Allied aircraft. -end- cass4.bmp German cannon defends Monte Cassino. -end- cass5.bmp Allied aircraft bombard Monte Cassino. -end- cass6.bmp The Monte Cassino Monastery crumbles. -end- rome1.bmp US troops enter Rome on June 5th. -end- bomber3a.bmp Allied aircraft prepares to bomb Essen. -end- 8143a.bmp B-24 Liberator bombers fly in formation towards the Ploesti oilfields. -end- 8143b.bmp Romanian forces man anti-aircraft guns aimed at incoming Allied bombers. -end- 8143c.bmp Liberator bombers leave destruction in their wake at the Ploesti oilfields. -end- aplane5a.bmp US P-51B Mustang fighters provide air support for the much larger bombers. -end- 11144a.bmp German fighters defend Berlin. -end- 11144b.bmp American bombers over Berlin. -end- roynav1.bmp The British Royal Navy controlled the seas before the war, but were now prey for German U-boats. -end- roynav2.bmp A British battleship cruises the North Atlantic. -end- hitler6.bmp Hitler and his Chiefs of Staff plan the invasion of Great Britain, Operation Sealion. -end- hitler7.bmp Hitler, at the Reichstag, proposes peace after the invasion of Poland. -end- den1.bmp German invasion forces head toward Copenhagen unopposed. -end- den2.bmp Victorious, German troops march through Copenhagen. -end- gship1.bmp Before the Allies can mine Norwegian waters, German war ships head for Narvik and Trondheim. -end- gtank6.bmp Landing at six different locations, German invasion forces quickly dealt with any opposition. -end- gplane8.bmp The Luftwaffe bombs Norwegian resistance. -end- bship2.bmp British war ships steam towards Norway. -end- fplane1.bmp French air power, as they were soon to find out, was inadequate against the Luftwaffe. -end- ftank1.bmp Obsolete French tanks prepare for the coming German invasion. -end- gtank7.bmp A German tank fights in Belgium. -end- hollan1.bmp German Panzers invade Holland. -end- holland3.bmp Luftwaffe bombers cross over Holland to provide air support for advancing German troops. -end- holland4.bmp Axis artillery supported the German push across Holland. -end- roder1.bmp Despite a cessation of hostilities, the Luftwaffe bombed Rotterdam. -end- belg1.bmp Luftwaffe air planes bomb and straffe Allied resistance in Belgium. -end- belg2.bmp The Allies mounted what resistance they could against the German invasion. -end- belg3.bmp In an attempt to halt German forces, Allied troops head towards the Belgian front. -end- belg4.bmp Panzer units cross the border into Belgium. -end- belg5.bmp German tanks mass in Belgium. -end- belg6.bmp German tanks on the road to Belgium. -end- gtruck2.bmp German forces turn north toward Calais. -end- france1.bmp The 7th Panzers reach Cambrai. -end- france2.bmp An Allied soldier fires mortar at Germans. -end- france3.bmp British cannons fire upon the Panzers. -end- france4.bmp Cannons fire near Arras. -end- france5.bmp German armor reaches Noyelles, where the Allied forces are split. -end- france6.bmp The Allies defend Noyelles. -end- goering1.bmp Leader of the Luftwaffe, Hermann Goering remains transfixed by a Hitler speech. -end- manchur1.bmp Japanese cannons pummel Chinese opposition in Manchuria. -end- manchur2.bmp Japanese Paratroops attacked Mukden under the pretense of correcting the city's unrest. -end- mus4.bmp Il Duce, Mussolini, struts at the height of his power. -end- ethio1.bmp The Abyssinian Air Force, one plane, prepares for war with Italy. -end- italy1.bmp An Italian war ship steams towards the Abyssinian coast. -end- ican1.bmp The poorly equipped Abyssinian Army was no match for Mussolini's forces. -end- ican2.bmp An Italian cannon in the Abyssinian desert. -end- ican3.bmp Mussolini's troops had little success outside Abyssinia during the war. -end- iplane1.bmp Italian aircraft fly over Abyssinia. -end- itank1.bmp Mussolini's tanks roll in. -end- ost2.bmp Hitler is welcomed by his Austrian supporters. -end- ost3.bmp Hitler's troops cross the Austrian border on March 12th. -end- hitler8.bmp Adolph Hitler declares to the world that all people of German descent belong to Germany. -end- chamb2.bmp Believing he had maintained peace, Prime Minister Chamberlain announces his Munich Pact with Hitler. -end- czech1.bmp German forces invade Slovakia and Ruthenia. -end- pol1.bmp Luftwaffe bombers helped German forces take Poland quickly. -end- gcan8.bmp German cannoneers run from their cannon as it fires on Polish forces. -end- stalin2.bmp Joseph Stalin led the Soviet Union through the war and into the Cold War. -end- tuni1.bmp Allied forces meet resistance on the road to Tunis. -end- tuni2.bmp A German soldier defends Tabarka. -end- tuni3.bmp An Allied tank crosses into Tunisia. -end- tuni4.bmp The road to Tunisia. -end- ander1.bmp General Anderson, commander of the British 1st Army. -end- tankb1.bmp Allied tank fires on Witzig's forces. -end- tankb2.bmp Allied tanks in Algeria. -end- tankb3.bmp Allied tanks resume their advance. -end- tankb4.bmp Tanks move toward Sidi Nisr. -end- tunis1.bmp General Nehring's tanks advance on Tunis. -end- tunis2.bmp A German gun defends Tunis. -end- tunis3.bmp The fighting rages at Tunis. -end- tunis4.bmp Tunis was bitterly fought over by the Allies and Axis. -end- oknawa2.bmp Okinawa is bombed by the Allies. -end- tara1.bmp The invasion fleet assembles for Tarawa landing. -end- tara2.bmp The invasion fleet assembles for Tarawa landing. -end- tara3.bmp The invasion fleet assembles for Tarawa landing. -end- tara5.bmp An Allied tank flounders on the beach. -end- tara6.bmp Allied tanks approach the Japanese defenses. -end- tara7.bmp US Marines fire mortars. -end- tara8.bmp A flame thrower on the beach at Tarawa. -end- tara9.bmp A Marine digs in. -end- toky1.bmp B-29s await take off at the airfield on Saipan to bomb Tokyo. -end- toky2.bmp B-29s first arrived on Saipan in October. -end- toky3.bmp US bombers target an aircraft engine factory in Tokyo. -end- toky6.bmp A crippled B-29 limps back to Saipan. -end- iwo1.bmp Casualties were heavy among the Marines landing on Iwo Jima. -end- iwo2.bmp Marines prepare for Japanese resistance. -end- iwo3.bmp Marines plant the American flag on top of Mount Suribachi. -end- iwo4.bmp The American fleet fires on the beaches of Iwo Jima. -end- iwo5.bmp Marines approach Iwo Jima. -end- iwo6.bmp US ship sails off Iwo Jima. -end- iwo7.bmp US forces land on Iwo Jima. -end- iwo8.bmp Marines work to establish a beachhead. -end- iwo9.bmp An Allied casualty on the beaches of Iwo Jima. -end- iwo11.bmp Allied tanks mop up on Iwo Jima. -end- iwo13.bmp A Marine attacks a pocket of Japanese resistance. -end- iwo15.bmp A Marine fights to capture Mount Suribachi. -end- iwo16.bmp Marines surround Mount Suribachi. -end- iwo17.bmp Marines use flamethrowers to capture the highest point on Iwo Jima. -end- okina1.bmp Ships carrying out Operation Iceberg. -end- okina2.bmp The Allies bombed Okinawa prior to the landing. -end- okina3.bmp US ships prepare the way for landing. -end- okina4.bmp The invasion fleet anchored at the Kerama Islands, newly captured by the US. -end- okina5.bmp 50,000 troops landed on Okinawa by the end of the first day of the invasion. -end- okina6.bmp The US landing fleet approaches Okinawa. -end- okina7.bmp A US tank moves off the beach and into the mainland. -end- okina8.bmp Marines prepare for action on Okinawa. -end- okina9.bmp Kamikazi pilots have tea before their final mission. -end- okina10.bmp American aircraft prepare to defend the fleet from Kamikazis. -end- okina12.bmp A Kamikazi aircraft crashes into a US ship. -end- okina13.bmp A Kamikazi is shot out of the sky. -end- hitler16.bmp Von Hindenburg appoints Hitler chancellor of Germany. -end- ger5.bmp Goering and Hitler mark the day of Hitler's appointment as chancellor. -end- long1.bmp The Allies attempt to take Longstop Hill on the way to Tunis. -end- long2.bmp An Allied casualty lies at Longstop Hill. -end- attu2.bmp US forces shell the Japanese defenses on Attu. -end- attu4.bmp Landing craft deliver US troops to the beaches. -end- attu6.bmp Foul weather slowed the progress of US troops on the beach. -end- attu7.bmp An American sprays the enemy with machine gun fire. -end- attu8.bmp US troops met heavy resistance on Attu. -end- attu9.bmp Allied troops organize to establish a beachhead. -end- attu10.bmp US soldiers fire a cannon at the Japanese defenses. -end- attu11.bmp US soldiers use machine guns to attack the strong Japanese defense. -end- attu12.bmp Equipment was left behind by the retreating Japanese. -end- attu13.bmp After securing Attu, US aircraft land on the island. -end- kiska1.bmp The naval bombardment of Kiska prompted the Japanese to begin an evacuation of their garrison. -end- kiska2.bmp From Kiska, the Japanese return fire on US ships. -end- kiska3.bmp US forces pummel the beaches of Kiska. -end- kiska4.bmp US forces en route to Kiska. -end- kiska5.bmp American ships under way. -end- kiska6.bmp US ships shell Kiska, unaware that it had been evacuated by the Japanese. -end- kiska7.bmp US landing forces wade ashore to discover a deserted garrison. -end- kiska8.bmp Equipment left behind by the evacuating Japanese. -end- kiska9.bmp An abandoned Japanese gun, left behind to fall in the hands of US troops. -end- kiska10.bmp US forces approach the beaches, where they would find guns and cannon left by the Japanese. -end- enterp1.bmp The US carrier Enterprise operating northeast of Santa Cruz Island. -end- enterp3.bmp Troops on the Enterprise fire at the Japanese carrier Shokaku. -end- enterp7.bmp A Kamikaze aircraft attacks the US carrier Enterprise. -end- paris2.bmp German troops occupy Paris. -end- rhein1.bmp US 9th Army approaches the Rhine near Dusseldorf. -end- rhein2.bmp A US tank rolls in. -end- rhein3.bmp The Germans destroyed all the bridges near Dusseldorf before US troops arrived. -end- rhein4.bmp A useless bridge lies over the Rhine. -end- rhein5.bmp Allies prepare to seize the one remaining bridge over the Rhine. -end- rhein6.bmp Fighting was heavy near the Remagen bridge. -end- rhein7.bmp Fighting near the Remagen bridge. -end- rhein8.bmp The 9th Armored Division of the US 1st Army fought for the bridge at Remagen. -end- rocket1.bmp Hitler ordered V-2 rockets launched from Holland to try to destroy the bridge at Remagen. -end- rhein18.bmp The Remagen bridge collapses. -end- berlin3.bmp A Russian canon assaults the buildings of Berlin. -end- berlin4.bmp Fires reduce Berlin's buildings to ashes. -end- berlin5.bmp Berlin lies in shambles. -end- berlin6.bmp The smoke-filled streets of Berlin did not welcome the Allies. -end- berlin7.bmp Berlin remained under siege. -end- berlin8.bmp Russian tanks level the streets of Berlin. -end- berlin9.bmp Goebbel's body is found after the battle for Berlin. -end- rcan1.bmp Fearing that Hitler's Luftwaffe will attack, Soviet soldiers man an anti-aircraft gun in Moscow. -end- gmor1.bmp German troops set up their mortar in preparation for possible Soviet counterattack. -end- gcan1.bmp German cannoneers target approaching Soviet troops in Soviet-held Poland. -end- hess1.bmp Rudolf Hess stands before his fellows at a Nazi Party function. -end- pearl1.bmp 'A date that will live in infamy' -- President Franklin D. Roosevelt. -end- france7.bmp The German occupation of France. -end- france8.bmp The Germans occupy France. -end- france9.bmp The Germans occupy France. -end- france11.bmp The invasion armada approaches the Normandy beaches. -end- france12.bmp A US balloon hovers over the invasion fleet. -end- france13.bmp Landing craft near Juno beach. -end- paris3.bmp Just days before the French uprising, occupying Germans began to pack up and leave Paris. -end- paris4.bmp Germans fleeing Paris as the Allied forces draw nearer. -end- paris6.bmp Germans leave Paris. -end- paris7.bmp The German retreat commences. -end- paris8.bmp Hitler's tanks retreat from Paris. -end- paris9.bmp The 2nd French Armored Division sets out to liberate Paris. -end- paris10.bmp Philippe Leclerc, commander of the 2nd French Armored Division. -end- paris15.bmp French tanks arrive in Paris on August 24th. -end- paris16.bmp The French 2nd Armored Division rolls into Paris. -end- paris17.bmp Fighting in Paris continues. -end- paris20.bmp German tanks defend Paris. -end- paris21.bmp Tanks roll through Paris. -end- paris22.bmp The defense of Paris was for naught. -end- paris23.bmp A triumphant de Gaulle addresses Parisians. -end- arnhem4.bmp The British 1st Airborne Division takes off for Arnhem. -end- arnhem15.bmp A German soldier defends the approach to the bridge over the Rhine at Arnhem. -end- arnhem16.bmp The fighting at Arnhem was fierce. -end- arnhem17.bmp The fighting at Arnhem went on for four days. -end- arnhem21.bmp Germans pick off Allied paratroops as they land. -end- arnhem32.bmp The Germans take the bridge at Arnhem back from the Allies. -end- arnhem33.bmp The Nazi flag hangs again at Arnhem after the Germans recapture the city. -end- metz1.bmp General Patton's troops enter Metz. -end- metz2.bmp A US tank rolls through Metz. -end- metz3.bmp Patton's tanks liberate Metz. -end- anzio4.bmp British submarines, as well as other war ships, patrolled the Mediterranean near Anzio. -end- clark1.bmp General Mark Clark. -end- ike1.bmp General Eisenhower visits the troops the day before the Normandy invasion. -end- stlow1.bmp St. Lo falls to the Americans. -end- falaise1.bmp A Canadian soldier fights to take Falaise. -end- paris1.bmp Allied tanks approach Paris. -end- brusel1.bmp British Guards Armored Division enters Brussels. -end- garden1.bmp US and British airborne troops parachute over their objectives in Operation Market-Garden. -end- zline1.bmp The Siegfried Line south of Aachen. -end- aachen1.bmp Mortar fire at the Siegfried Line. -end- aachen2.bmp US 1st Army rolls in. -end- gerb1.bmp Josef Goebbels, Minister of Propaganda, was able to manipulate the foreign press reporting about Germany. -end- hess2.bmp Rudolf Hess watches his Fuhrer at a Nazi Party function. -end- shang1.bmp Shanghai burning. -end- shang2.bmp Japanese planes over China. -end- shang3.bmp Japanese open fire on Shanghai. -end- shang4.bmp Japanese troops near Shanghai. -end- shang5.bmp Parts of Shanghai are redueced to shambles. -end- stal2.bmp Luftwaffe planes assault Stalingrad. -end- stal3.bmp Germans fire at close ranch in the bitter fight for Stalingrad. -end- stal4.bmp Russian artillery. -end- stal5.bmp The destruction of Stalingrad. -end- stal6.bmp Cannon fire in the streets of Stalingrad. -end- stal7.bmp After weeks of house-to-house combat, the Russians began to repel the Germans. -end- nan1.bmp The Japanese attack Nanking. -end- nan2.bmp Japanese troops fire on Nanking -end- nan3.bmp Japanese troops fire on Nanking. -end- nan4.bmp Shelling on Nanking. -end- pearl3.bmp A Japanese aircraft carrier on its way to Pearl Harbor. -end- pearl4.bmp A Japanese zero takes off from its carrier. -end- pearl6.bmp Battleship row is taken by surprise. -end- pearl7.bmp Destruction at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. -end- usplane1.bmp American forces on their way to Truk. -end- jplane1.bmp A Japanese Zero defends Truk. -end- truk1.avi Over Truk, US Hellcats and Japanese Zeros dogfight. -end- truk1.bmp US aircraft takes off for an assault on Truk. -end- truk3.bmp A returning US aircraft crashes into the tower of its carrier on landing. -end- sipan2.bmp The American fleet begins softening up Saipan for the upcoming landing. -end- sipan3.bmp US fleet bombards Saipan. -end- sipan4.bmp An American battleship off Saipan. -end- sipan5.bmp Invasion fleet fires on Saipan. -end- sipan7.bmp Marines approach the beach in landing craft. -end- sipan8.bmp US tanks on the beach of Saipan. -end- sipan9.bmp The 4th US Marine Division fights to establish a beachhead. -end- ger1.bmp Reichmarshall Hermann Goering was Hitler's commander of the Luftwaffe. -end- degul.bmp Charles de Gaulle returns to Paris. -end- hitler18.bmp Hitler walked away from the Munich Conference with the Sudetenland. -end- sudat1.bmp Germans living in Sudetenland welcome Hitler's troops as they enter Sudetenland on October 1st. -end- aleus1.bmp Japanese troops arrive at Attu on their landing craft. -end- aleus2.bmp The Japanese land on Attu. -end- enterp2.bmp A US aircraft returns from an attack on Yamamoto's fleet. -end- hitler14.bmp A victorious Hitler greets his followers from his flat window. -end- gelect1.bmp An example of a Nazi political poster depicting Hitler for the 1925 elections. -end- gelect2.bmp Political poster showing the German people dragging Hindenburg from his hole for the 1925 elections. -end- hind4.bmp A somber Hindenburg reviews his forces after the 1925 German elections. -end- ein1.bmp Physicist Albert Einstein warned Roosevelt of a German A-bomb. -end- elect2_1.bmp Hitler addresses his faithful before the 1932 elections. -end- gprop3.bmp Nazi banners during the German presidential elections of 1932. -end- hind5.bmp Hindenburg surrounded by his ministers and press after the presidential elections. -end- hitler15.bmp Hitler dashes past well-wishers after losing the presidential election. -end- hornet1.bmp At the Battle of Santa Cruz, the aircraft carrier USS Hornet was sunk by Japanese bombers. -end-